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Category: Classical


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INR 754200 ml
Indications: Premature ejaculation Anxiety, panic attacks Depression, sleep problems – It balances Vata and Pitta Dosha very efficiently. Hence, very useful to improve brain and nerve function. It has soothing effect on the brain. Hypothyroidism treatment Peripheral hypotonia and low muscle tone Partially useful in Myasthenia gravis, foot drop Not useful in Cold and cough – Rather, it can increase the symptoms, especially in case of productive cough.

Keraleeya Ayurveda Samajam Ksheerabala Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil used in the treatment of  Vata disorders causing neuro muscular pains, sciatica, spondylosis, paralysis etc. This oil is also available in capsule form. It helps to relieve pain and inflammation. It is used in arthritis, sciatica, myalgia, spondylosis, spinal cord injury, etc.


Ksheerabala taila – name suggests that it is processed only for one time. Usually this oil is used for external application, as in massage, Panchakarma treatment (enema) etc.  However, this version of the oil can also e taken internally.

  • Ksheera means cow milk
  • Bala means an herb called Sida cordifolia
  • Taila means – sesame oil

The oil is formulated as follows –

  • Bala – Sida cordifolia 10 grams
  • Bala – water decoction – 160 ml
  • Ksheera – Milk – 160 ml
  • Taila – Sesame oil – 40 ml

Keraleeya Ayurveda Samajam Ksheerabala Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil used in the treatment of  Vata disorders causing neuro muscular pains, sciatica, spondylosis, paralysis etc. This oil is also available in capsule form. It helps to relieve pain and inflammation. It is used in arthritis, sciatica, myalgia, spondylosis, spinal cord injury, etc.

Ksheerabala taila – name suggests that it is processed only for one time. Usually this oil is used for external application, as in massage, Panchakarma treatment (enema) etc.  However, this version of the oil can also e taken internally.

  • Ksheera means cow milk
  • Bala means an herb called Sida cordifolia
  • Taila means – sesame oil

The oil is formulated as follows –

  • Bala – Sida cordifolia 10 grams
  • Bala – water decoction – 160 ml
  • Ksheera – Milk – 160 ml
  • Taila – Sesame oil – 40 ml

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